Tuesday 22 March 2016

Introduction: Our First Blog Post!

Welcome back to Al-Tareeq’s blog. I hope you have all taken some time to navigate our new and improved website, thanks to our new team member Stefano Perrotta.

From September to December, we were all extremely excited about our new venture, which brought us together to make all the progress that we did. However that excitement often made us rush decisions in hope that we could make an impact immediately. While our intentions pointed us in the right direction, we did not take enough time to evaluate our ideas and think about how we could realistically start to make a difference in a community we all value very much.

The last few months have been a great reflection period for our team. We have realised that to make the type of large scale difference that we intend to make, we need to ensure every part of the process is transparent, well thought-out, and meaningful. Our original plan was to host an independent program as a platform to teach high school students in the Middle East, but there is a lot that must be done beforehand. This remains our plan, and reflects our core value proposition, but for the time being, as we grow and expand our network, we have found an exciting opportunity to pursue in the meantime. We will be partnering with Fikra 3al Mashi this summer to teach our curriculum through them. This will be a perfect opportunity to connect with local students and develop our program.

Thus, we have outlined a series of short-term and medium-term goals that we feel will propel us in the right direction, and enable us to carry out each task with extreme detail and passion. To determine what we hope to achieve, we plan on creating very basic interactive videos describing what entrepreneurship is, and uploading them to our website. The hope is that we’re able to use the analytics to find out which areas and types of demographics are interested in learning more about our subject. From that point, we’ll be able to better decide where to focus our time on in the following summer.

Other short-term goals include the supporting of existing social projects, both financially and by simply raising awareness about many different social ventures in the Middle East. Our real goal for the coming few months is to spark a conversation about entrepreneurship in hope of inspiring young, ambitious, regional leaders. We want Al-Tareeq to be a platform for students to excel.

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